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Glass wool

Stone wool is most likely a fibrosing agent and carcinogen of the lung. Rock wool is not yet considered to be carcinogenic by the French authorities.
Let us not forget that it was not until 90 years after the first observations of health problems linked to asbestos to arrive at its total ban in France in 1997. European directive n ° 1999/77 / EEC of July 26, 1999 banned asbestos on January 1, 2005 in all European member states.

Glass wool

Glass wool contains rock residues from the manufacture of ultra-transparent glass. But it is a natural radioactivity, of a very low level and therefore harmless to health!

Courant janvier, on apprenait que la société (......) avait utilisé du silicate de sodium radioactif pour la fabrication de ses laines de verre de marque (......). Le produit obtenu avait un taux de radioactivité 4 à 5 fois supérieur à celui de la laine de verre traditionnelle ; cela avec l'autorisation de l'Office de protection contre les rayonnements ionisants.

During January, we learned that the company (......) had used radioactive sodium silicate for the manufacture of its branded glass wool (......). The product obtained had a level of radioactivity 4 to 5 times higher than that of traditional glass wool; this with the authorization of the Office for Protection against Ionizing Radiation
(Opri). (......) explains that the incriminated glass wools remain largely below the alert thresholds and therefore do not present any risks. The CRII-RAD (independent laboratory) considers that the risks are low, hardly greater than those of basic products, and that they do not make it necessary to remove these isolations; but it considers that this file raises fundamental questions: right to information of the consumer, unjustified character of
the deliberate addition of radioactivity and risk linked to the multiplication of this type of process!

Le parc d'attractions Prypiat, La laine de verre contient des résidus de roche issus de la fabrication de verre ultratransparent. Mais il s'agit d'une radioactivité naturelle, d'un niveau très faible et donc sans danger pour la santé


The Chernobyl amusement park, great standing.

When will the plutonium bottle nipples come in?

When I was a kid in the canteen, a little chubby turned to me to
slip me a: Do you realize that you eat animals? It doesn't
don't give a bad conscience? With dread I had to admit that he had
right. I ate poor oxen that hadn't even been to me
presented, then, I gave up my steak and he ate it. I pulled a
moral of it all: The talkative talkers always get their way.

Why isolate

Insulations made from mineral fibers are the most common. Glass wool is obtained by melting, centrifuging and blowing recovered glass while the raw material of rock wool is usually basalt. Their insulating power greatly decreases in the presence of moisture (hence the presence of vapor barriers on the rollers).

Important: It is important to note that under the name glass wool or rock wool are classified products with a density ranging from 12 kg / m3 to 130 kg / m3. While their insulating power is more or less the same in winter, the lightest products do not protect you from the heat in summer. As to date no summer performance is required of insulation, it will be very difficult for you to obtain from your dealer or installer information on the weight of the insulation that he intends to provide you.

Be consistent in your choice of insulation: there is no point in having 20cm of insulation on the walls if you are using standard windows.

In the event of a noisy exterior area, provide exterior joinery with 8/8/4 double glazing instead of the standard 4/12/4 (figures indicating respectively the thickness of the exterior pane, the air gap and then the pane interior).

Still in this case, prefer windows or French windows opening in the French way to the bay windows.

You can also request exterior air intakes (mandatory) lined with a sound-absorbing coating. Likewise, avoid roller shutters with a protruding box on the inside.

In the case of terraced houses, if possible provide a party wall which is actually made up of 2 walls, one for each house, and separated by a minimum distance of 1 cm. If the walls touch each other, impact sounds will be easily transmitted from house to house.

Soyez cohérent dans votre choix d'isolation : il ne sert à rien d'avoir 20cm d'isolant sur les murs si vous utilisez des fenêtres standard

In the case of adjoining houses, provide if possible an adjoining wall which is actually made up of 2 walls, one for each house, and separated by a minimum distance of 1 cm. If the walls are touching, impact noises will be easily transmitted from one house to another.

Between a weakly insulated house, the cost of heating can be divided by 3-4 times.
The cost of insulation is generally amortized between 3 and 5 years.
By reducing heat loss, the insulation prevents the phenomenon of cold walls, a source of condensation and discomfort.
Where to start.
Where heat loss is greatest: Uninsulated house.
Door and window 13%
Walls 18%
Roof 30%
Soil 16%
Air renewal 20%
Thermal bridge 5%
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
How to properly insulate.
The right thicknesses:
attic or high floors: 16 to 22 cm.
In walls: 6 to 8 cm.
On low floor or ground: 3 to 6 cm.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Lightweight and easy to handle, the coated IBR fits perfectly into traditional solutions. Techniques facilitating the installation of a paneling or plasterboard finish. Easy to cut and plug in, it provides perfect and economical insulation. Flexible, it adapts to all forms of framework and guarantees total sealing of the home without any parasitic drafts. Thermal comfort guaranteed.

testeur d'isolation thermique,appareil de mesure isolation thermique,thermomètre infrarouge,détecteur de fuites thermiques sans fil,détecteur thermique maison,détecteur thermique isolation thermomètre infrarouge: estimer l'isolation de la maison ?Le pistolet thermique pour mesurer l'isolation, cela marche?Avez vous essayé un thermometre infrarouge?
Une fenêtre, quand elle est mal conçue ou mal posée, peut entraîner d’importantes déperditions thermiques dans la maison. Il convient dès lors de garantir l’étanchéité des fenêtres. la règlementation en vigueur depuis 1974 a établi l’obligation d’utiliser ce système pour les vitrages de fenêtres

A thermal bridge refers to any insulation defect that causes heat loss. Most often, thermal bridges are in the corners of walls and slabs of a home.

Isolation pour pont thermique, Comment isoler un pont thermique ? Comment eviter les ponts thermiques ? Comment identifier les ponts thermiques ? Comment isoler un mur froid de l'intérieur ? comment supprimer un pont thermique, pont thermique assurance, pont thermique conséquence, rupteur de pont thermique, traiter pont thermique en rénovation, pont thermique exemple, rupture de pont thermique

Blown glass wool insulation solution

Comble ventilation. Comment bien ventiler les combles. Comment faire baisser la température sous les combles. Comment garder la fraîcheur sous les combles
Quelle épaisseur de laine de verre soufflée ?Quel est le meilleur isolant souffle ?Quel prix pour une isolation de combles ?Quel est le mieux entre laine de verre et laine de roche ? laine de verre soufflée avis,laine de verre soufflée prix au m2,calcul quantité laine de verre soufflée,laine de verre soufflée ou ouate de cellulose,laine de verre soufflée ou rouleau,laine de verre soufflée danger

What thickness?

Insulation is allowed up to 15 kg/m2

Roof ventilation is necessary to eliminate any risk of condensation in winter, to remove air overheated by the sun in summer, and to ensure good conservation of the materials making up the roof.

The presence of a vapor barrier is particularly recommended in very cold areas or with airtight roofs or when the insulation is covered with a floor. A 200mm glass wool for the ceiling and the top.

Between the glass wool and the floor above, 8cm of air is sufficient!

The same. Between the glass wool and the tiles, 8cm of air.

Naturally non-combustible, they do not give off toxic fumes, sources of real danger when evacuating premises.

Glass or rock wool does not spread fire or contribute to fueling the fire.

200 mm glass wool with vapor barrier, ideal for ceilings

Laine de verre en rouleau nu qui gratte. Comment faire pour que la laine de verre ne gratte plus ? Comment se débarrasser de la laine de verre sur la peau ? Est-ce que la laine de verre peut donner des boutons ? Est-ce que la laine de verre fait tousser ? allergie laine de verre symptôme laine de verre réaction allergique allergie laine de verre traitement laine de verre danger poumons j'ai respiré de la laine de verre laine de verre qui gratte pas irritation laine de roche

Laine de verre en rouleau nu

ruban adhésif bâtiment orange, pare-vapeur et pare-vent à valeur sd élevée Longueur de rouleau: 50 m

In the case of insulation coated with a vapor barrier, the continuity of the vapor barrier is ensured by a taped strip.

Dans le cas d'isolant revêtu d'un pare-vapeur, la continuité du pare-vapeur est assurée par une bande scotchée. Comment poser laine de verre Placo ?

the IBR flexible glass wool roller coated with a squared kraft surfacing every 10 cm. SOLUTIONS. • Insulation of lost attics with insulation to unroll.

Traditionally, the vapor barrier is kraft paper.

Est-il obligatoire de mettre un Pare-vapeur, Le pare vapeur doit être du coté de la pièce chauffée, Où placer le Pare-vapeur toiture

Vapor barrier

Un pare-vapeur se pose toujours du côté chaud, Quel côté pour le Pare-vapeur

Vapor barrier

On a floor
I unroll the rolls edge to edge directly on the floor, with the vapor barrier placed on the hot side. (Interior)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Between joists
I spread flakes of wool and I equalize with a rake. This solution adapted to small surfaces can be interesting where unwinding is difficult.
.... or I cut strips of glass wool or rock to size that I wedge between joists. Always the vapor barrier on the hot side.

Laine de verre entre solives. de quel coté poser la laine de verre, comment poser de la laine de verre au sol

Rock wool roll

Couper rouleau laine scie, matériau naturel issu de l'activité volcanique (le basalte)

I cut the roll still wrapped with a handsaw

Quelle épaisseur de laine de verre pour combles perdus ? pose laine de verre comble perdu fermette,rénovation isolation combles perdus,isolation comble faut il enlever l'ancienne laine de verre,épaisseur laine de verre comble perdu,isoler combles perdus sans plancher,comment poser de la laine de verre sous toiture,pose laine de verre comble aménageable,comment isoler ses combles perdus,Quelle laine de verre pour combles perdus ?Comment poser la laine de verre dans les combles perdus ?Quel épaisseur d'isolation dans les combles ?

You can overlay another layer of glass wool or bare rock (without steam)

Laine de verre superposée, comment poser de la laine de verre au sol  de quel coté poser la laine de verre  comment poser de la laine de verre sous toiture  fixation laine de verre  pose laine de verre mur  comment poser de la laine de verre au plafond  fixer laine de verre au mur  pose laine de verre 2 couches

For partition on upright frame, rail.

Laine pour cloison ossature sur montant M48 M70 M90

Acoustic insulation of distributive partitions between two rooms. Width adapted to partitions. Acoustic performance. Easy to cut.

Quick installation.

Laine de verre panneau facile à couper pose rapide largeur adaptée

Semi-rigid panel of glass wool coated with steam kraft th. 45 mm

Two 0.60 centimeter rolls in this 120 cm package

laine de verre cloison 70,laine de verre 45 mm,laine de verre phonique,isolation cloison intérieure placo,quel rail pour laine de verre 100,laine de verre 75 dans rail 48,laine de verre acoustique,isolation phonique cloison intérieure,Quelle Epaisseur de laine de verre pour cloison ?Quelle isolation dans les cloisons ?Quelle Epaisseur cloison intérieur ?Quelle isolation pour cloison placo ?

Glass wool: ceiling, lining, partition

Rock wool: ceiling

Couteau pour couper laine de verre, roche

Knife for glass wool or rock

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Cutter, un couteau à lame rétractable, cutter ou stylet est un outil qui permet de couper des matériaux fins et peu résistants. Il est en général muni d'une lame mobile

Large blade cutter

Raw materials (sand: glass wool or volcanic rock for rock wool).

Roche volcanique, Matières premières (sable: laine de verre ou roche volcanique pour la laine de roche).
Gaine de  VMC Pour prévenir le risque de condensation, si votre gaine passe dans une pièce sans chauffage comme les combles par exemple, mieux vaut vous orienter vers une gaine isolée par de la laine de verre

To prevent the  risk of condensation, if your duct passes through a room without heating such as the attic for example, it is better to direct you to a  sheath insulated with glass wool

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