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Plasterer Journeyman

Site on the installation of plasterboard.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

-DTU standard (Unifier Technical Document)


DTU 25.31, 25.41, 25.42 Frame, BA6, BA10, BA13, BA15, BA18 ...

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

ceiling, curved partition, marine plate, bathroom, fire break ...

Comment poser du placo QR pose plaque de plâtre.Site sur la pose de la plaque de plâtre. ​ -Norme DTU (Document Technique Unifier)    D-T-U 25.31, 25.41, 25.42 Ossature, BA6, BA10, BA13, BA15, BA18...   ​ plafond, cloison cintrée, plaque marine, salle de bain, coupe-feu...


Comment poser du placo. Tas de plaques.  Ils répondent en matière d'isolation thermique et correction acoustique, ainsi qu'en matière de protection au feu.  Le choix, l'épaisseur et le type de plaques sont fonction de la nature de l'ouvrage:
They answer...
Isolation villa
Partitions, dubbing ...
Plan de batiment
Site management

They answer in terms of thermal insulation and
acoustic correction, as well as protection against

The choice, thickness and type of plates depend on
the nature of the work: in the absence of specific indication,
the plates used are of standard quality (BA13). BA =
thinned edge-thickness of 13mm.

Thickness: 6, 10, 13, 15, 18, 23, 25mm.

Width: 120cm, 60cm.

Edges: Plates with 2 thinned edges and 4 thinned edges.

Partitions , linings, ceilings ...

For new or renovation.

Know where to start.
The standards of installation on slab, wood, plasterboard, glue, screw ...
The trace, the charges on the plates ...



Everything you need to know about plasterboard, weight, length, rigidity, bending.
On frame, glass wool, rock wool, the installation.
Installation of frame, ceiling, partition, dubbing on old or new.
Glue, filler, flat tape, angles.



Kitchen, living room, bathroom ...
Ceiling, partition, lining ...
Hydro, high hardness, single plate ...

Mise à jour pose placo. quel placo. collé ou pas. ossature. mise à jour site placo.Comment calculer le nombre de plaques ?

Mj 2022

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